What I Like This Morning

This is a response to one of my ANT feeds (the whole reason I started this videoblog. It was an eye-opener in the possiblities of aggregated content. I knew it was happening, i just need the "tagging" folksonomy to kick in. Then watch the sparks fly. If I seem to be rambling, it's because I am. Just get ANT, put in my RSS feed, and you never have to read the backstory to the videos again-- NOW you know you want it!!).
Anyway, Kristina, someone I don't know, though I've been watching her videos, asked a question and I spent my morning answering it. (10mb Quicktime File) An experiment in making and finishing a concept before I finish my morning cup of coffee-- and it shows. (insert self-deprecating groan here)
In the end, I think I'm going to do one of these once a month.
Yeah!! This is fabulous - I really like the "mememememe" and the humming of "My favourite things" in the background - hilarious. Great stuff!
that was really great, the humming.
not only that, but we like all of the same things!
esp. biskup toys. and sex.
i really really want to watch your videos
but they are toooo big for my weak hijacked wifi signal!!!!
hope to catch you later on a better signal.
wow i like your apartment! neat.
Very funny. Nice man-made music and intro to what you like.
Found this fine post archive-diving. Excellent to see the beginnings.
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