Echoplex Park
The (mostly) video podcast, or videoblog, or vlog, of Schlomo Rabinowitz, Enabler to the Stars. If you got the need: email me at schlomoATgmailDOTcom or AIM: Schlomochat.

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Monday, October 24, 2005

People who pays for stuff are cool.
I am one of those people.
Minus the coolness. :)
Lovely video!
We'd so hoped you wouldn't notice that we watch your videos just because of your cool mom. Aunt Sylvie's pretty cool too.
Damn I miss a good Chinatown experience. No Chinatown in STL but there are a lot of Vietneamese--and Vietnamese food is awesome!!
Really cool video! I'm more of a coffee person, but it looks like tea drinkers have their own little places to hang out too. Maybe I should try it.. after all, tea is probably better for you than coffee :) Especially all those herbal teas. Nah, I'll stick to my coffee :)
That has to be one of the sweetest tea spots I've ever seen! I want to go there! And your mom and aunt are adorable. I want to go to that tea spot with you and your mom and aunt. Oh wait, I kind of just did... NO I want to go in person!
Your mom looks great, even better looking than when she went to buy that micro. Aunt Sylvia is looking good too. Won't it be something if me, you, your mom, Aunt Sylvia and Steve all got together for some tea.
Tell your mom that I like green too!
Hey, Thanks a million!!
I have been watching your site for a while!!
You put a big smile on my face when I opened your site!!
I try to post 3 to 4 times a week...
hmmmm me and vlogging...
I vlog to introduce.
I vlog to relate.
I vlog to change.
I vlog to bridge.
I vlog to meet.
I vlog to learn.
I vlog to remember.
I vlog to presuade.
I vlog to understand.
I vlog to reflect.
I vlog for enlightenment.
I vlog for my family.
I vlog for my friends.
I vlog for common ground.
I vlog for the moment.
I vlog for freedom.
I vlof for reasons beyond myself
rock n roll
yes, I probably do vlof a lot too...
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