The title says it all. Went to
Gnomedex, and while I was there I made a series of videos to post on The Facebooks. (Which I seem to be posting a LOT of videos; there and Vimeo.) Can you feel the excitement?!? Thanks Chris and Ponzi for putting together something that would attract such a vibrant group of people!
Featured herein are buddies
Brian Walsh of
Kris Krug of Too Many Cool Things To Mention, and Lisa from Intel.
An Aside: iMovie08 is a pretty confusing mess if you have already been using their previous versions. It's totally different, and from the little I have used it, it is not as intuitive as one might hope. And they have far too few options-- they didn't even include Star Wipe! For shame! Anyway, hopefully they will revamp it a little to put all of the features they took away from the previous version...because it may be a pretty package, it sure went downhill in functionality.
Labels: brian walsh, conference, friends, gnomedex, iMovie08, Intel, kk